Padolamooladi Kashayam Choornam


Padolamooladi Kashaya Churna (100g)


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Ingredients :

1 Patola Trichosanthes dioica 1 Part
2 Haritaki Terminalia chebula 1 Part
3 Vibhitaki Terminalia bellirica 1 Part
4 Amalaki Emblica officinalis 1 Part
5 Vishala(Indravaruni) Citrullus cholocynthis 1 Part
6 Trayamana Gentiana kurroo 1 Part
7 Katurohini(Katuka) Picrorrhiza kurroa 1 Part
8 Shunti Zingiber officinalis 1 Part

In accordance with the French legislation, we remind you that the products sold on this site are not medicines and cannot be a substitute from your medical treatment.

50 Items